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Your Pitchdeck is your tight rope.

Because every unicorn today, started with a bright founder like YOU and a pitchdeck.

60 seconds. 

The utmost time for an elevator pitch. Just in California alone at least 1000 pitchdecks are created every day. Investors fund only 1% of the pitch decks they receive. And Angel investors 1 in 400, which is 0.25%.

All these numbers are daunting! But you don’t have to. Right pitch at the right time can make your venture grab its rightful place. We at GROWTURF, make your pitchdeck speak for itself – strategically, aesthetically and more importantly, financially.

Our Pitch to you.

We make your work speak. We focus both on the quantifiables and the unquantifiables. A well designed deck, a strong narrative and a clear strategy will make you raise funds with ease and confidence.

And most importantly we do it just for you. We work with you to make your deck one of a kind and not template dependent.

Because we realise that your deck is your tightrope.

How do we transform your slides?

We design the slides to be clear, concise and compelling so that it shouts how good the opportunity is and not a one to be missed. Because, scarcity is the friend of a successful closing.

And we transform your slides understanding the market, its dynamics & metrics that matter. We give the key slides (Finance – Team – Competition, etc) which the investor are more interested in, its due attention. So, do try working with us.



Let the slides do the work.

Slides facilitate intentional fundraising. They empower your work and vouch for your accomplishments. They build the trust in the relationship which is the bedrock of a successful funding. Being clear, articulate and financially astute in your slides thrusts confidence in your work to make your venture successful, because fortune is created only when opportunity meets preparation.


Transform your slide to be impactful & targeted, incorporating best design elements. 

D + Content

Uncomplicated, lucid and effective content that gets your idea to the audience.

D + C + Financial Model

Money matters presented insightful and savvy, such that money begets money.